Facebook Shares Insights Into Its Most Reached Posts

Facebook is a haven of many useful insights. In its 2nd Quarter Report for 2020, the platform has average daily users of 1.73 billion. Which is why its a plus to understand the posts that gathered the most engagement. Recently, Facebook shares insights into its most reached posts.

Kevin Roose, a Tech Columnist for the New York Times, has been tweeting a list of the most popular Facebook posts. The list is based on crowd tangle, Facebook’s public insights tool. Last 21 July 2020, Kevin received a reply from John Hegeman, the head of News Feed at Facebook. John’s reply noted that the list Kevin has been tweeting is very much different from Facebook’s most reached posts. The reason is that the list Kevin is tweeting is based on interactions, not impressions.

Interactions (likes, comments, shares, etc.) weigh just a little percentage on impressions. For Facebook, impressions or the links with most reach is what matters. John said its currently an internal data in the platform. Yet, he gives a sneak preview of Facebook’s top links by reach:

Facebook Shares Insights Into Its Most Reached Posts

The list contains a mix of gifs, mainstream outlets, and pop culture. John mentioned that they removed COVID-19 authoritative sources like AARP and UNICEF. This is to give a more objective list by removing the pandemic trend.

Implications for Marketers:

Facebook data provide insights on where marketers should focus to drive traffic and conversions. A view of its most reached post gives an idea of creating eye-catching content. It can also guide marketers on how to relate their brand with the topics the audience is interested in.

Reference: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-shares-new-insights-into-most-shared-posts-on-its-platform/582138/

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