Facebook Provides a Direct-Mail Option via Pages App

Facebook Direct Mail

A new function appears on Facebook Pages over the weekend.  Advertisers receive prompts to send marketing emails. As of 01 June 2020, Facebook provides a direct-mail option via Page App.

Facebook Provides a Direct-Mail Option via Pages App

A Facebook Page Manager App helps businesses connect with their audience and manage up to 50 Facebook Pages. The new update adds a function for marketing email on the page. First, a Page needs to confirm the Page’s email address. After the confirmation, there’s a need for an admin to add email contacts. Facebook requires explicit permission for each email contact. After agreeing to Facebook’s usage terms, the admin can then create customized email campaigns. On the lower section, admins can see a preview of the subject line and content which makes it easy to do email outreach.  Any sent email will be delivered to the ‘business.mailbyfb.com’ email address attached to the Page.

Implications for Marketers:

Facebook’s direct-mail option seeks to replicate a CRM system. It helps marketers to easily connect with various digital activities within the page manager app. Marketers should take advantage of creating visually pleasing email campaigns. We suggest adding premade email footers with your social media links. Such encourages easy social sharing that can increase audience reach and engagement.

Reference: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-adds-option-to-send-marketing-emails-via-pages-app/579003/

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