Facebook Media Tips on Using Music in Videos and Live Stream

Facebook Media posted its fourth video series on product development. The videos were hosted by Jeff Birkeland, Facebook’s Head of Creator & Publisher Experience.  The first three series are:

This week, Facebook Media provides tips on using music in videos and Live Stream. 

Facebook Media Tips on Using Music in Videos and Live Stream

Jeniece Primus, Product Manager of Facebook at Rights Manager, notes that copyright is very tricky. On Facebook, users have to be cautious in using copyright music on videos. The general guideline is to reach out to the music label. This is to request inclusion as an allowed use of the said playlist. For Live Broadcast who have music copyright issues, they will receive a warning note about it. A flow of action guides them to give them the chance to fix it. 

To avoid such inconveniences, Jeniece has given a few tips using Creative Studio tools. 

  • First, music videos should always have a visual element. Audio-visual experience is much better than plain music.
  • Second, consider using shorter clips than full tracks. Online audiences have a shorter attention span. Using a full track playlist might bore them. Mixing short music clips can liven up the video. 
  • Third, the Sound Collections under Creator Studio tools have thousands of songs and soundtracks that creators can use without restrictions. 

Furthermore, the Rights Manager aims to launch future updates for music on videos:

  • More warning notifications preventing interruptions of Live Broadcast;
  • More educational articles on their help center, blogs, and video like this.

Facebook Media provides tips on using music in videos and Live Stream on 26 August 2020. 

Implications for Marketers:

Facebook Media tips on using music in videos and Live Broadcasts are worthy to take note of. For marketers, these can give them a competitive edge over others. Music videos can quickly establish emotional and positive connections among brands and their audiences. Using music, brands can tell exciting stories with inspired enthusiasm. The key is to experiment in getting the perfect music that coordinates with video content.

Reference: https://www.facebook.com/fbmedia/videos/785716355588139/

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