Facebook Expands High Reach Profile Verification Process

Facebook Verification

To set proper accountability on each account, the Facebook team continuously find ways to improve its verification process. On 10 August 2018, it launched the Page Publisher Authorization process. The process requires admins to undergo two-factor authentication and confirm their location. Today, Facebook expands its high reach profile verification.

Facebook Expands High Reach Profile Verification Process

A high reach profile will include accounts with a large number of followers, viral posts, and patterns of inauthentic behavior. Facebook will require identification checks for people posting on such accounts. They would need to submit any of these acceptable identification cards to get verified. If one chooses not to verify, the platform will limit the distribution of their posts.

The new high reach profile verification process rolls out on 28 May 2020.

Implications for Marketers:

A verified Facebook Page displays a blue or gray mark after its name. It’s a sign that Facebook sees the account as legitimate. For marketers, this is the easiest way to earn trust and that the business is real. A verified Facebook page also appears higher in search results. Thus, it gives marketers a higher reach and engagement.

Reference: https://about.fb.com/news/2020/05/id-verification-high-reach-profiles/

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