A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong


Facebook Marketing Hong Kong

Facebook Ads

Facebook Content Production

Facebook Page Management

Social Media Marketing


  • Facebook reported a whopping 2.5 billion monthly active users

    If you’ve been on the Internet some time during the last ten years, chances are you’re already on Facebook. The social media platform began in 2004 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and has since become the largest social networking platform in the world. By the end of 2019, Facebook reported a whopping 2.5 billion monthly active users and 1.69 billion daily active users. That means on any given day, Facebook can be used to reach out to roughly a billion people. That is why social media marketing, especially Facebook marketing, is so popular with marketers. In Hong Kong, Facebook marketing is an incredibly popular marketing tool because over half of its population is on Facebook. 

  • 5,532,000 Facebook users in Hong Kong alone

    As of May 2020, NapoleonCat reported a total of 5,532,000 Facebook users in Hong Kong alone. 1,730,000 of that number belongs to the 25-34 age range, and 55.6% of users are female, while 44.4% of users are male.

    With those numbers, there is no question that Facebook has a wide range of audiences that marketers can tap into. Facebook, with its wide range of audiences, is an incredibly effective platform for brands to market and promote themselves. Digital marketers identify this platform as one of the most efficient ways to reach out and engage with potential customers and clients. While there is no one, singular formula on how to make a brand’s engagement skyrocket, here is a guide on how brands can get their businesses on Facebook and start using the platform to market themselves.


Identifying the Main Purpose of Creating a Facebook Profile

Before getting into the intricacies of Facebook marketing, it is important to first identify the main purpose of creating a Facebook profile. When a user first goes onto the Facebook website or downloads the Facebook app, they will be taken through the registration process to create their Facebook profile. They will be asked to give their basic details (e.g., name, birthday, email or mobile number, and gender) to set it up. From there, it’s an easy verification process. They would just need to confirm their details using their given email or mobile number, and voila! Their Facebook profile is up and running.

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong

Typically, the user’s new Facebook profile is set up with the main purpose of communicating and interacting with friends and loved ones or even meeting new people across the platform. Brands and businesses, on the other hand, could create a Facebook business page to reach out to potential clients and customers. However, it should be noted that a personal Facebook account must first be created before a business page could. Business pages cannot exist without being connected to a personal Facebook account.

What Users Can Do With Either Profile

Now, what does either profile have to offer? True to their name, personal accounts are meant for personal purposes only. Users with a personal account can use Facebook’s basic features like sharing, liking, posting, and communicating with other Facebook users. A Facebook page, on the other hand, can be used to manage and expand the following of a brand. Once a page is created, other users on Facebook can then like and follow the page, which would keep them updated with what’s happening with the brand. Facebook pages can promote the brand or company, and it can also run marketing campaigns for the brand. Brands can also reach out to their potential clients and customers using a Facebook page. Here is a table showcasing what each type of account can do:


Personal Profile

Facebook Page

  • Post, like, share, and comment on content
  • Communicate with other users across the platform
  • Add friends
  • Like and follow Pages

  • Post, like, share, and comment on content
  • Gain a following through Likes and Follows
  • Manage online community
  • Reach out to Facebook’s users
  • Interact with potential clients or customers
  • Run marketing campaigns and ads

The Benefit of Creating a Facebook Page for a Business or a Brand

Facebook Pages are beneficial for brands and businesses because of their ability to reach a wider, more diverse audience. Here are some of their other benefits:

  • Facebook is a relatively cheap marketing strategy. It is free to create a Facebook Page. Costs only start coming in when a Page decides to run ads, boost content, etc.
  • Facebook allows brands to share information about their businesses. Pages afford brands a space to put out all of their basic details such as their contact information, address, philosophy, or advocacies.
A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong
  • Brands and businesses can communicate with clients and customers on-site. Each page is connected to the Messenger app to facilitate easier communication.
  • The Pages can be used as a customer support platform to answer any queries or concerns.
  • Facebook can drive engagement to a brand and increase brand awareness.

Facebook pages also have a wide variety of tools that brands can use to establish their presence on Facebook. Facebook Pages have a special feature called Insights, which gives users a better idea of how their page is doing on Facebook. This tool can be accessed on the left menu of the user’s page.

Facebook Insights allow brands to do 3 things:

  • Gain more understanding on how users interact with their page
  • Analyze metrics (more on this later) to see how the page is performing 
  • Figure out which content works best for the brand’s audience

Facebook Pages also allow brands to observe their audience and see the type of audience that they attract. Facebook Pages give brands a variety of tools to measure this.

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong

Why a Facebook Personal Account Is Not the Best Fit for Promoting a Product or Brand

While personal Facebook accounts have their own merits, they are not the best way to go about promoting a product or a brand. This is because unlike Facebook Pages, personal accounts do not have the Insights feature, and it cannot tell brands how well they are doing. Personal Facebook accounts are also privatized, and all posts are initially set to be seen only by the user’s friends. A brand needs to be seen publicly, which is why a Facebook Page would be their best bet.


Giving Out Basic Information

To create a page, a user would be asked to choose whether they would want the page to be for a brand or business or for a community or a public figure. Next, they would be asked to fill up the basic information about their brand and would need to follow a set of instructions to fully set up the page. It should be noted that anyone can create a page, but only official representatives can set up official pages for brands, businesses, communities, or public figures.

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong

What a Page Should Contain

Facebook Pages need to contain all the basic information about a brand. Potential customers or clients need to know what the brand does, how to reach them, where they’re located, and just about everything else a brand would want them to know. Pages should also have eye-catching cover photos and profile photos that embody their aesthetic. The best cover photos need to follow Facebook’s guidelines, be clear and consistent with the brand’s overall look, and should be high-quality.

How to Verify a Facebook Page

Facebook introduced the “verified check mark” symbol to make sure official Pages are more easily found than regular Pages. This will allow the Page to rank higher in the search pages of Facebook. Facebook Pages can be verified in two ways: by using a phone number or by using documentation. 

To use a phone number for verification, users can select “Verify this Page” through the settings bar and enter a publicly listed phone number for the brand. Facebook will then call the number and give a verification code, which could then be used to grant the Page verification. If the Page cannot be verified using a phone, a user may submit documents showing the brand’s legitimacy. Once Facebook is able to confirm the details, they will grant the verification checkmark to the Page.


The CTA Button

Facebook has a nifty little feature called the Call to Action (CTA) button. A Facebook Page is created to establish a brand or business’s presence on Facebook. Whether it’s to make a purchase, directly contact the brand, or take the user to a different platform to learn more about the brand, the Call to Action button is a quick way to do any of those. By clicking the CTA button, a user is automatically directed to whatever the page manager intends for it to do.

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong

It’s quite simple to add a CTA button to a Page. Below the cover photo, there is an option to edit the CTA button. The button can be customized to direct people to a different platform. For example, if a brand wants users to contact them, they could customize the button to say “Talk to Us,” and the user could be directed to their contact number or their email platform. If a brand wants to allow users to easily make a purchase with them, they could customize the button to say “Shop Now” and it could automatically take the user to their online store. The CTA button could also lead straight to a brand’s payment portal, which also makes it an effective tool for creating more sales.


What Facebook Ads Are Meant to Do and How They Work

Facebook Ads are content that are created by brands to advertise across Facebook. The Ads are paid for and they can appear on a user’s news feed for both Facebook on desktop and mobile and on the right side of the screen for Facebook on desktop.

Facebook Ads are meant to market and promote a brand across Facebook. These ads could show up on the feeds of users who have shown an interest in the brand or into the brand’s type of product or service. This is how ads are able to benefit a Page.

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong
A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong
A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong
A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong

How to Set Up Facebook Ads

Facebook has a feature called Facebook Ads Manager where brands can create, manage, and oversee their campaigns. Facebook offers step by step instructions to help out those who are not familiar with its tools yet, and it gives a brief overview of how Facebook Ads Manager can work.

Types of Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads need to have objectives. This is how brands could identify what sort of campaign they would want to run. Facebook currently offers 3 types of Ad objectives: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.

  • Awareness
    • Awareness ads are meant to make users across Facebook discover a brand or business. These types of ads are good for brands that are just starting out, and they lay the groundwork for building up an online community. Awareness ads have 2 further categories: Brand Awareness and Reach. Brand Awareness aids in the discovery of a brand, while Reach shows the ads to the most people Facebook can send them out to. 

Tip: For these types of ads, it is important to note that most of the people who would be seeing the ads have probably never heard of the brand being advertised before. Eye-catching, thought-provoking content is important, and the audience needs to be reeled in with just one look at the advertisement.

  • Consideration
    • Consideration ads are intended to get people to start talking and thinking about a brand’s product or service. These types of ads prompt users to look for more information about the brand. They’re a good way for most of the brand’s content, consumer feedback, and newsletters to be shared across the platform. Consideration ads have 6 further categories: Website Traffic, Engagement, App Installs, Video Views, Messenger Ads, and Lead Generations. Website Traffic directs users to a page of the brand’s website. Engagement amps up users’ interactions with a brand’s content such as likes and shares. App Installs directs users to install an app. Video Views directs users to watch a video. Messenger Ads sends ads directly to users’ Messenger accounts. Lead Generation directs users to a form that allows brands to acquire new leads.

Tip: These ads work for brands that have already established an online community. This is a great way for brands to share their top content across the platform and get more people interested in their businesses. Offers and promotions are effective ways to get people to consider patronizing a brand.

  • Conversion
    • Conversion ads are intended to get people to do something like buy a product or try out a service. They’re meant to get people to do something for a brand. The main goal of Conversion ads is to get conversions. Conversion ads have 3 further categories: Conversions, Product Catalog Sales, and Store Visits. Conversions direct users to do an action on the brand’s website. Product Catalog Sales are meant to amp up the brand’s sales. Store Visits direct people to the brand’s physical store.

Tip: These ads are meant to close deals. Facebook can do the work of finding users most likely to convert based on the service or product, so brands just need to work on making sure that their platforms are fully functional.

Currently, there are 7 forms that Facebook ads can take. Here’s a list of what they are and what they can do:

  • Photo Ads 
    • Photo Ads consist of a singular image captioned with a call to action. These are usually the easiest types of ads to set up because of the minimal material required.
  • Video Ads
    • Video Ads are just ads in video form. Facebook recommends that high quality videos need to be submitted, so as to prompt users to keep watching. Video ads are great for Awareness and Consideration campaigns.
  • Slideshow Ads
    • Facebook allows for brands to upload their own premade slideshows to use as an ad, but it also allows brands to create their slideshow ads using Facebook. It even has its own set of fonts, overlays, and effects that can be added to the ads.
  • Canvas Ads
    • Canvas Ads are perhaps the most interactive of the ads because they require going off the app to start playing. They are full-screen and work somewhat like a miniature website for a brand, except they could be seen on Facebook. 
  • Carousel Ads
    • Carousel Ads show a series of images that are directly linked to different parts of a brand’s platform. It could showcase products and direct users straight to checkout, but it could also increase awareness about a brand by leading users to information or contact pages.
  • Dynamic Product Ads
    • Dynamic Product Ads are similar in look to Carousel ads, but they are meant to highlight products most of all. Brands can upload their product catalog so that users can get an overview of what they can purchase from the brand.
  • Lead Form Ads
    • Lead Form Ads direct users to a form that is built by the brand. Users could be motivated to give out their details using freebies and promos in exchange for their email address.

Why Boosting Is Not Effective

Boosting an Ad on Facebook is a strategy where advertisers can pay more to have their ads appear more often on people’s news feeds. This can be done by clicking a “Boost Post” button on an already running ad. However, they are not the most efficient use of resources and they often do not have the intended effect. There are more effective ways of increasing brand awareness and engagement across the platform. 

This is because of the number of available targeting and bidding options. Boosted Posts have a limited targeting criteria, as they can only target fans the friends of those fans. It is more difficult to analyze the returns of Boosted Posts because it has limited conversion tracking features. The target audience is limited to just basing it off on interests as well instead of the more advanced options. Additionally, advertisers have no control over the Ad placements. The default placements for ads are Facebook Mobile and Facebook Desktop and because Facebook would always choose the cheapest way to run ads, it would direct ads to Facebook Mobile (which is cheaper than Facebook Desktop) regardless of its effectiveness. 

Using the Facebook Ads Manager to promote ads and manually adjust its settings proves to be a much more efficient way of advertising through Facebook. The Ads Manager allows brands to set their campaigns to their exact specifications and give them complete control over their ads. Because of this, advertisers are more likely to get the results they want.

Boosting an Ad on Facebook is a strategy where advertisers can pay more to have their ads appear more often on people’s news feeds. This can be done by clicking a “Boost Post” button on an already running ad. However, they are not the most efficient use of resources and they often do not have the intended effect. There are more effective ways of increasing brand awareness and engagement across the platform. 

This is because of the number of available targeting and bidding options. Boosted Posts have a limited targeting criteria, as they can only target fans the friends of those fans. It is more difficult to analyze the returns of Boosted Posts because it has limited conversion tracking features. The target audience is limited to just basing it off on interests as well instead of the more advanced options. Additionally, advertisers have no control over the Ad placements. The default placements for ads are Facebook Mobile and Facebook Desktop and because Facebook would always choose the cheapest way to run ads, it would direct ads to Facebook Mobile (which is cheaper than Facebook Desktop) regardless of its effectiveness. 

Using the Facebook Ads Manager to promote ads and manually adjust its settings proves to be a much more efficient way of advertising through Facebook. The Ads Manager allows brands to set their campaigns to their exact specifications and give them complete control over their ads. Because of this, advertisers are more likely to get the results they want.


Developing a content marketing strategy is essential for any business or brand in Hong Kong today. Without a working content strategy, growing your following and establishing yourself and your business as an authoritative source will become increasingly challenging, if not impossible.

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong

Managing a Facebook Page might seem a little daunting at first, but Facebook makes the app easy to navigate. Pages could be collaborated upon by many team members, and each team member could be assigned a specific task or function in order to make sure that the Page is running smoothly. An effective team should have the following members:


  • Social media manager
    • The social media manager should oversee the Page and delegate tasks to all the other members


  • Content creator
    • The content creator/s would be responsible for producing content for the page
    • Content may vary from write-ups, graphics, photos, videos, and status updates – whichever ones are most effective in getting the brand’s message across 


  • Customer service representative
    • Customer service representatives would be in charge of answering queries and concerns using the messaging platform
    • They would also be tasked with engaging with the online community using the comment boxes on posts and through direct messaging


  • Insight analyst
    • Insight analysts are responsible for studying the metrics of the Page and assessing the trends
    • Ideally, they would be able to pinpoint which content and marketing strategy works the best for the brand, which posts receive the most engagement, and what kinds of people visit and engage with the Page the most


Facebook has made it much easier for teams to delegate tasks and manage Page activities with its Page Roles feature.

Page Roles

Page administrators can manage the roles of users on the page. Currently, Facebook offers 6 different kinds of Page Roles – each one with a specific purpose for the Page. There is no limit to how many people could have a Role on the Page but the administrator would need to approve and assign each Role. Facebook has even released a table of what each Role can do on a particular Page.

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong

Page administrators can use the Page Roles function to delegate tasks to different team members in order to effectively manage and improve the brand’s overall performance on Facebook.

Promoting the Facebook Page Using Appropriate Channels

Those who run the Page can invite users across Facebook to like and follow it. They can also invite their friends on their Personal Accounts to like and follow the Page. If the Page has alternative social platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and the like or its own website, they could be linked to the Page, too, to more effectively promote all platforms. The links could be added to the Page’s “About” section.

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong

Monitoring Progress By Looking into the Page’s Insights

Insights are the tools that brands can use to monitor how well a Page is doing. They provide information about a brand’s performance. Different metrics signify different performance points. On the main Insights dashboard of a Page, a user will immediately be able to see the total number of Page likes, total number of friends of Facebook fans (this is how many people the brand can potentially reach), how many people are talking about the brand on Facebook, and the Page’s average reach. Each of these metrics can be further analyzed by clicking on them and studying the numbers that they reflect.

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong

Pages can be analyzed for particular timeframes. Users could pull up data for a particular day, week, month, or year and compare what they find to other points in time. For example, when a user views the Page’s likes, they could check on how many people liked the Page in a given month, and select a particular day of the month that they would like a closer look at. Users would also be given the time of day that their Page gets the most engagement (likes for both the page and its posts, follows, comments, shares, messages), and they can use the data to see the best time to interact with their online community.

It is important to analyze the metrics on the Page’s Insights because apart from being able to assess performance, the Insights tool could also give brands a clearer idea of what consumers want and expect from them and what content works best for that brand’s target audience. These pieces of information are crucial to the brand’s growth on Facebook, and they must be factored into a brand’s marketing strategy.


Growing a Facebook following may seem quite daunting at first due to the presence of so many other Facebook Pages, but here are a few tips for brands to jumpstart building their online community:

  • Share the page on all possible channels
  • Make use of the Ad tools
  • Foster genuine relationships
  • Use consumer feedback to improve brand
A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong


Identifying the Brand’s Audience

When a brand starts out, they already have an idea of what kind of consumers they want to target and which consumers are most likely to patronize their product or service. Facebook also has tools that allow marketers to assess the demographics of the users who are interested in the brand and are actively engaging with it. Using Facebook’s tools, marketers are given access to the gender, age range, and interests of the people who are most likely to connect with the brand.

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong

Develop a Content Pillar for the Brand

Content pillars are the foundation of content marketing. Basically, it’s a large piece of content that can be further divided to create smaller pieces of content. This is an especially effective strategy for those who have difficulty coming up with content and producing enough to fill all their platforms. With content pillars, marketers can derive pieces of content from one big piece of content.

An example of a content pillar is an eBook. From an eBook, tons of pieces of content can be taken. For example, articles on particular topics within the eBook could be created. Email outreaches, surveys, and forums could also be conducted to discuss the eBook’s contents. All of these pieces of content could then serve as inspiration for developing a brand’s content and be used across all of the brand’s marketing platforms.

Formulate a Content Calendar for the Page

Posting content is an incredibly important part of any digital marketing strategy. A content calendar is an overview of all the content that needs to be posted over a particular amount of time. This calendar would include the type of posts, dates to be posted, and times of posting. Having a content calendar is important to keep a campaign organized. This would also allow for better analysis throughout a campaign. Here are some of the other benefits of having a content calendar:

  • It helps audience stay engaged with a brand
  • Allows for more seamless communication between the brand’s team
  • Plan out social media marketing content
  • Helps maintain consistency

The Importance of Storytelling for the Brand

Storytelling is, essentially, telling a good story. To be able to successfully tell a story, the audience has to be captivated from beginning to end. The key to great digital marketing is to tell a great story. Great stories are:

  • Relatable
    • For a story to fly, the audience must be able to relate to it and see the impact of it in their daily lives. 
  • Compelling
    • Stories must push people to take action. People must be left inspired and encouraged by the story’s message.
  • Organized
    • Good stories have a well-developed structure. They should be able to have a clear flow from beginning to end, and must also insert pertinent details.
  • Long-lasting 
    • Good stories should be able to stay in the minds of the audience. They should be able to remember the general idea of the story and be able to tell it to other people.

Storytelling is important in digital marketing because, essentially, brands are building a narrative that would get consumers interested in them and, later on, trust them. It is a great way to connect with potential clients and customers because it makes the approach more personal. These are some of the benefits of adding storytelling to a marketing campaign:

  • Better connection with the audience
  • Update and promote the brand’s image
  • Effectively relay the brand’s message
  • Can be used for all forms of media
  • Condenses brand’s advocacy or philosophy

Tips for Effective Storytelling

  • Identify the brand’s target audience
    • Who are you trying to reach out to? Typically, brands should already be aware of their target audience. For example, if you are a fashion house looking to raise awareness about your brand, your target audience would be ladies of a certain age who are interested in shopping for clothes. Once you are able to pinpoint your target audience, you could then assess what type of content works best for them and would gain you more engagement.
  • Establish the end goal
    • What are you trying to accomplish? What message is your story trying to convey? If your end goal is to get people to patronize your product, you have to create a narrative that would push them to do so. 
  • Develop an arc
    • Great stories are not static. In books, story arcs show how the hero was able to slay his dragons and come out victorious – all while highlighting what he went through to get there. In digital marketing, the slaying of dragons comes out in a much subtler way. Effective digital marketing campaigns must take consumers on a journey, so as to make consumers feel like they are really a part of the brand’s story.
  • Stay consistent
    • Consistency is key. Creating a good story means that all its details are consistent from beginning to end, with every problem having a resolution. Consistency will also allow consumers to follow the story more closely and relate more to it.
  • Establish a call to action
    • To reiterate, stories must be compelling and must encourage people to do something at the end. This is especially important in digital marketing as the end goal is to market the brand as effectively and efficiently as possible. A call to action could be set up to lead people to purchase a product, try out a service, or follow the brand and engage with it more.


Apart from being in tune with global marketing trends, Facebook marketing agencies in Hong Kong are also very familiar with the demands of consumers in the Asian market. Here are some of the benefits of connecting your brand with a Facebook marketing agency in Hong Kong:

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong
  • Familiarity with the latest trends
    • Facebook marketing agencies in Hong Kong are well-equipped with the tools needed to keep up with the latest trends and technology for Facebook marketing
  • Hong Kong marketing agencies are skilled in analyzing and assessing metrics of social media platforms
    • Hong Kong marketing agencies pay attention – to the rising trends, to how your brand is doing on Facebook, and how it can troubleshoot and improve certain metrics.
    • Because they are skilled with analyzing these metrics, they can develop a marketing strategy that highlights your brand’s best content.
  • Quality work output
    • Facebook marketing agencies in Hong Kong produce high quality content and manage campaigns that generate a brand a lot of engagement
    • Because Hong Kong marketing agencies are in tune with the tastes and preferences of the Asian market, they are able to produce content that caters to all audiences
  • Impeccable team
    • Team members of Facebook marketing agencies in Hong Kong are highly skilled and incredibly talented in producing content for brands and executing effective marketing strategies


Creating an effective marketing campaign requires more than just making content and selling a great product. Nowadays, digital and social media marketing are both widely used in Hong Kong as it transitions from the more traditional forms of marketing. As such, it becomes increasingly important to establish an online presence. Here are some tips to select the best Facebook marketing agency for you:

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Marketing in Hong Kong
  • Select an agency based on its values

If you are searching for the right marketing agency for you, you should view the agency’s values and see if they are in line with yours. If the agency shares your values, you have a higher chance of creating effective marketing campaigns. 

  • Select an agency that upholds a brand’s best interests

You should select an agency that will make sure that it will do all that it can to deliver the results that you want. Before the start of any marketing campaign, you should have a sit down with your marketers so you can be looped in with their marketing strategy and so you can also 

  • Find agencies with an impressive portfolio

The right Facebook marketing agency for you has an impressive portfolio with glowing reviews from previous and current clients. When you shop around for a digital marketing agency to promote your brand, request to see their portfolio so you have an idea of their track record.

  • Select an agency that adapts to trends and the latest technologies

The best Facebook marketing agencies know how to adapt and be flexible. As such, they should be skilled at keeping up with the times. Facebook marketing agencies should be able to keep up with Facebook’s ever-expanding roster of tools and tricks to create effective marketing campaigns.

  • Selecting an agency that is skilled in implementing Facebook marketing strategies

Digital marketing agencies in Hong Kong are well-versed in executing effective Facebook marketing campaigns in Hong Kong. However, the right marketing agency for you knows how to use metrics to your advantage and could create marketing campaigns that will direct more and more users towards your brand.

  • Select an agency that is skilled at brand storytelling

To reiterate, the key to a successful digital marketing strategy is storytelling. Look for an agency that specializes in creating stories for brands, so you would be able to work hand in hand to develop the right story for your brand.

Audience engagement tools hong kong

There are several tools and techniques that you can use to increase audience engagement in Hong Kong. Some options include:

  1. Polls and surveys: These can be used to gather feedback and opinions from your audience, and can be conducted through platforms such as Google Forms or SurveyMonkey.

  2. Social media: Leveraging social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can help you connect with your audience and encourage them to engage with your content.

  3. Live events: Hosting live events, such as webinars or Q&A sessions, can be a great way to engage with your audience in real time and encourage interaction.

  4. Interactive content: Creating content that requires audience participation, such as quizzes or games, can be a fun and effective way to engage your audience.

  5. Encourage user-generated content: Encourage your audience to create and share their own content related to your brand or product. This can help build a sense of community and encourage engagement.


Facebook marketing is a simple yet effective way for brands to establish an online presence and build brand awareness. With the platform’s wide reach and diverse audience, building a successful brand image would be easy with the right digital marketing agency. 

Check out Social Stand’s Facebook marketing campaigns for Marks and Spencer and Gap. Here at Social Stand, we prioritize your brand and help you create a story that is right for you. See how Social Stand can help your brand and book a consultation with us today!

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